Generating Hybrid Images

Generating Hybrid Images

A hybrid image is an image that is perceived in one of two different ways, depending on viewing distance. A technique for creating hybrid images was originally proposed by Schyns and Oliva, which was presented at SIGGRAPH 2006. Hybrid images combine the low spatial frequencies of one picture with the high spatial frequencies of another picture, producing an image with an interpretation that changes with viewing distance.

Above is an example for a hybrid image. The top image is an hybrid image of two images at the bottom. If you are close enough to the top figure, you will see Albert Einstein, while if you move further from the image, or blur your eyes, you will see Marilyn Monroe.

This project is to get inspired by this paper, and make more hybrid images!


  1. Procedure
  2. Gallery

1. Procedure

This section describes steps to be followed in order to create a hybrid image as described in the paper by Schyns and Oliva. Creating a hybrid image is not that hard. The hardest part is finding two figures that would create a better hybrid image.

  1. Select two images that you think may create a cool looking hybrid image.
  2. Then align them and crop them such that they look better. For this example, two images were aligned based on the eye positions. The left image shows the aligned and cropped image, while the right image shows the log magnitude of the Fourier transform of the right image.

    Below image shows the aligned and cropped image of the Spider-Man.

  3. Next, the image of the Flash is processed using a low-pass filter. For this a Gaussian filter is used. The cut-off frequency is determined by trial and error method.
  4. Then, the image of the Spider-Man is processed using a high-pass filter. For this, the impulse filter minus the Gaussian filter, which was suggested by the original paper is used.
  5. Finally, both the filtered images were fused together by simply adding them together.

If you are closed to the image, you will see Spider-Man. If you blur your eyes, or increase the distance from the image to the eye, you will see Flash. To make it easier, I will display a smaller image next to the original image.

For more cool images, check the gallery below.

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original images:

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