Featured Posts

Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship

Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship

This is an extension of the Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship...

Generating Hybrid Images

Generating Hybrid Images

A hybrid image is an image that is perceived in one of two different ways,...


Recent Posts

Whenever I find something interesting, I post them here. The most of them are here just so that I can use them as a quick reference in the future. But please feel free to use and share if you find any of them useful!

Low-Pass Filters

Low-Pass Filters

Low-pass filters are basically an upgrade from the Averaging filters. If you are not familiar...

Averaging Filters

Averaging Filters

Any practical measurement has a some level of noise. To meaningfully utilize such measurements, we...

Locally Backup GitHub Repositories

Locally Backup GitHub Repositories

If you need to download your GitHub repositories, one option you have is to open...

Implementing an Intrinsic Nonlinear PID Controller

Implementing an Intrinsic Nonlinear PID Controller

For the final year undergrad group project at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University...

Mathematical Modelling Simulation and Control of a SpiderCam System

Mathematical Modelling Simulation and Control of a SpiderCam System

As a third year undergrad student of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of...
