Open-Source Contributions

A selected set of open-source repositories where I am the main contributor and maintainer. For most up-to-date details please visit my GitHub page.

Working examples/tutorial for detection and pose estimation of ArUco markers with C++: fdcl-gwu/aruco-markers

Drawing a cube on an AruCo marker

This is a side project that resulted from the work published in my paper “Attitude observer on SO (3) with time-varying reference directions”. This repository provides C++ codes for basic augmented reality related tasks using computer vision. In fact, this is usually withing the first three Google results when you search for ArUco markers using C++.

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Geometric controllers developed at FDCL for UAVs : fdcl-gwu/uav_geometric_control

Projects that used the controllers in the repository

This repository includes the controller proposed in “Geometric controls of a quadrotor UAV with decoupled yaw control”. In addition, this includes both coupled-yaw and decoupled-yaw controllers in Matlab, Python, and C++ for any interested person to use in their projects.

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Python - Gazebo simulation environment for a UAV with geometric control: fdcl-gwu/uav_simulator

UAV Simulator GUI

This is another output of the work published in “Geometric controls of a quadrotor UAV with decoupled yaw control”. This includes a complete framework for simulating a UAV, which includes controller, estimator, using an open-source physics engine.

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Comparison of delayed Kalman filters, with application to the state estimation of a UAV: fdcl-gwu/dkf-comparison

This work includes the results published in “Quadrotor State Estimation with IMU and Delayed Real-time Kinematic GPS”, which compares different delayed Kalman filters for their performances.

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