I am Kanishke, and I love working on UAVs!

My main interests include developing new algorithms to control UAVs, and to develop estimators for UAV state estimation.

I try to share what I work on here, specially things that are hard to find on the internet.

About Me

Featured Posts

Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship

Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship

This is an extension of the Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship...

Generating Hybrid Images

Generating Hybrid Images

A hybrid image is an image that is perceived in one of two different ways,...


Recent Posts

Whenever I find something interesting, I post them here. The most of them are here just so that I can use them as a quick reference in the future. But please feel free to use and share if you find any of them useful!

Job Search Data - 2023 June

Job Search Data - 2023 June

“Shopping” for a job is not always a fun process. After a large layoff at...

Adding an Interactive Plotly Plot to a Markdown Page

Adding an Interactive Plotly Plot to a Markdown Page

If you are using Python for visualizing data, plotly is an awesome open-source library (also,...

A Linear PID Controlled UAV with ROS + Gazebo

A Linear PID Controlled UAV with ROS + Gazebo

The repository fdcl-uav/gazebo_uav_control is a basic example for using ROS and Gazebo to position control...

Adding a Snapshot View to the GitHub Profile

Adding a Snapshot View to the GitHub Profile

You can a quick snapshot view to your GitHub profile page like the image above....

Jerk-Limited Trajectory

Jerk-Limited Trajectory

This post tries to explain the basics of a trajectory that tries to limit the...

Plotting a 3D UAV with Matplotlib

Plotting a 3D UAV with Matplotlib

If you are visualizing anything with Python, Matplotlib is probably going to be an essential...

Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship

Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship

For an autonomous UAV, or for any aerial vehicle in general, one of the most...

Decoupled-Yaw Geometric Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Decoupled-Yaw Geometric Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

A UAV is an inherently unstable system, which is similar to an inverted pendulum. The...

Measurements of Ship Air Wake Using Airborne Anemometers

Measurements of Ship Air Wake Using Airborne Anemometers

When a ship moves on a water surface, we can clearly see a water wake...
