I am Kanishke, and I love working on UAVs!
My main interests include developing new algorithms to control UAVs, and to develop estimators for UAV state estimation.
I try to share what I work on here, specially things that are hard to find on the internet.
About Me

Featured Posts

Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship
This is an extension of the Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship...

Generating Hybrid Images
A hybrid image is an image that is perceived in one of two different ways,...
Recent Posts
Whenever I find something interesting, I post them here. The most of them are here just so that I can use them as a quick reference in the future. But please feel free to use and share if you find any of them useful!

Job Search Data - 2023 June
“Shopping” for a job is not always a fun process. After a large layoff at...

Adding an Interactive Plotly Plot to a Markdown Page
If you are using Python for visualizing data, plotly is an awesome open-source library (also,...

A Linear PID Controlled UAV with ROS + Gazebo
The repository fdcl-uav/gazebo_uav_control is a basic example for using ROS and Gazebo to position control...

Adding a Snapshot View to the GitHub Profile
You can a quick snapshot view to your GitHub profile page like the image above....

Jerk-Limited Trajectory
This post tries to explain the basics of a trajectory that tries to limit the...

Plotting a 3D UAV with Matplotlib
If you are visualizing anything with Python, Matplotlib is probably going to be an essential...

Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Ship
For an autonomous UAV, or for any aerial vehicle in general, one of the most...

Decoupled-Yaw Geometric Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
A UAV is an inherently unstable system, which is similar to an inverted pendulum. The...

Measurements of Ship Air Wake Using Airborne Anemometers
When a ship moves on a water surface, we can clearly see a water wake...